Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

I looooove Summer and everything about it, but now that Fall has quickly joined us I am excited about...
~The Pumpkin Patch

~Cozy Sweaters

~Pumpkin Bread

~Colorful Scarves

~Beautiful Mums

~Wrapping up in a warm blanket

What are some of your favorite things about Fall???


  1. 1) Cool weather (still waiting...)
    2) Pumpkin Patch- there is a new little one at the corner of Battlefield and Hillwell we need to go to!
    3) Camping in my new camper....just kidding!

  2. 1) Opening the windows
    2) Fall pansies and mums
    3) Outdoor fire in the pit
    4) Camping in my new camper.....JK ~ I wish too Katie!
