Monday, October 4, 2010

Curling Acres

Hello on this dreary Monday morning.  Even though this week was filled with rain and gloominess, the sun managed to show its beautiful face on Saturday.  It was the perfect fall day for an outdoor wedding.  My dear friend, Ashley, married her bestfriend, Chris, at her parent's lovely home, Brown Wren Acres (check her mom out at Here are a few pictures of their special day...

This is a picture of their fire-pit in their background!

Self-timer= perfect

On our way home we even came across these sign... How fitting!!

On another note,  Jack Johnson's album, On and On,  is the prefect music for Monday morning blogging :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you and Josh could attend the wedding. God blessed us with a beautiful day and an amazingly dry yard. Our rain gauge measured 14 inches of rain last week.
