Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hey Mama!

I am now 21.5 weeks pregnant and my pants are definitely a little snug... So hello maternity jeans, I still think they should be acceptable everyday wear even when NOT pregnant :)  When I was pregnant with Miss E I loved waking up every morning and dressing my baby bump, especially in the spring and summer months.  So I am going to start posting some of my maternity style throughout this pregnancy!  Here is today's look!

jeans- Target jeggings(so comfortable)...striped shirt- Old sweater- Old Navy...floral scarf- Target


  1. Dev you would be beautiful in a brown paper bag! And you are especially beautiful when pregnant! :)

  2. So cute! And you can't even tell you're pregnant!

  3. You have great style! I'm always noticing that in your pics...I especially love the summer weight scarves. I've gotten a few myself this year!
