Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Catch-up...

Wow, it is already Monday, this weekend went by way too fast!  Let me catch you up...
On Thursday me, mom, and a few friends went to a baby consignment sale at a church in Va Beach.  This is my third time going and it never disappoints!  They have clothing, toys, shoes, strollers, furniture, and much more.  I always take $40 and this time I left with 3 dresses, 4 outfits, 2 jackets, and $1 ( I LOVE a great deal)!

Josh had off on Friday and after Ella took a !!!!3 HOUR NAP!!!!! we met up with a friend for lunch down at the oceanfront.  Ella then decided that 3 hours just wasn't enough so she came home and had another little cat-nap, she must have been tired from her busy week.

On Saturday we decided (well I decided and Josh just went along with it) to join my parents for a day in Williamsburg.  They picked us up at 10:00 am and off we went.  First stop was the outlets where mom and I shopped and dad and Josh watched Ella (fed Ella popcorn and a snow cone).  Then we went to lunch and once again, I decided wouldn't it be fun to go to Colonial Williamsburg... After a few wrong turns we were walking the cobblestone roads and wondering why we decided this would be fun.  It may have been more exciting if we bought the $36 PER PERSON pass to actually go in the exhibits, and if they had more drink stands on the extremely hot day.  Oh well, it was still nice to just be with the family.  After 45 minutes and no drink we decided we had seen enough of Colonial Williamsburg.  Here are a few pictures form our adventure :)

On Sunday we went to church and then lunch at my grandmother's.  Josh then left for Rodanthe in search of waves.  Ella and I indulged in a little retail therapy and I found a beautiful quilt for our bed... hmmm...I think it is time for a room makeover :)


  1. We did have fun!! AND weekends go by way too fast - I love ya'll!

  2. We were in Williamsburg too at Busch Gardens and it was HOT! But we had a fun family day too. Love you!
